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James from Preston needed to pass
his Driving test quickly - asap

Hi there. My name is James. I live in Preston and work for Steel Fab UK, erecting all sorts of steelwork for building structures. I had been thinking of learning how to drive and passing my driving test for ages. My wife had passed her driving test in Preston a long time ago and wanted me to quickly get mine passed so I could help driving the family around.

Anyway, the crunch came when my boss said I needed to train for and pass my HGV driving test as soon as possible. Suddenly I had to get my finger out and quickly pass my car driving test. My mum got wind of what was going on and promptly booked me a Driving test appointment in Preston.

With no time to spare I called Paul at Driving Passion Driving School in Preston. I told him I needed to learn how to drive in Preston and pass my Driving test asap. My Driving test was booked and I still had to work. How was I going to fit it all in.

Paul rose to the challenge and quickly got me on the road. He was very flexible with his lesson times, fitting me in whenever he could and understanding when I had to work overtime. Paul's knowledge of Preston and what you need to do to pass your practical driving test is second to none. All you have to do is listen, take it in and do it.

I'm proud to say I passed my Driving test first time with only 4 minors against me. What amazed me is that I passed it in such a short time.

If you want to pass your Driving test quickly in Preston then I would recommend you speak to Paul at Driving Passion Driving School asap.

Thank's Paul
Now I can tell the boss I'm ready for my HGV training.

Pass your Driving test quickly in Preston - asap
More pupils who passed the UK Practical Driving test recommend Driving Passion here

James had put off learning how to drive and taking his Practical Driving test for quite a while and then suddenly he needed to pass his Driving test asap. An absolute need to pass the Practical Driving test quickly is not the best position to be in because you are under much more pressure to pass the Driving test and pass it first time. The best approach is to start training for your Driving test asap without the added pressure of having to pass it quickly. Credit to James who managed to pass his Driving test with this added pressure.

Well done James from Paul your Preston Driving instructor

0800 011 22 02


Mobile phone
077 929 44 568

Contact name
Paul Higson
If you want to pass your Driving test quickly in Preston then e-mail here asap

James needed to pass his Driving test asap in Preston and did it. To pass your Driving test quickly start asap.